Here's a recent one between Stephen Meyer (author of Signature in the Cell) and intelligent design proponent and Peter Atkins, Oxford University chemist. I haven't listened to it myself but according to Jeffrey Shallit of Recursivity (a professor of computer science at the University of Waterloo, Ontario) its part of a repeated, depressing theme: slick ID arguments not quite adequately countered by polite and sometimes humble opponents who find it hard to explain very complicated concepts in a quick fire debate format. Perhaps I'm being overly pessimistic.
In other news, Ben Stein's thoroughly flawed ID documentary Expelled arrives in the UK this month. Joy. Its been more than adequately ripped apart by internet-savvy scientific commentators and so I'll just recommend a simple (and yet critical) visit to Google University...
Or if you can bear it, actually watch it.
Bill Maher’s New Rule: Guilt by Civilization
8 hours ago